Find out where you can see me speak or engage me for your next event.
Topics include:
> 5 Tools for Better Brainstorming
> 4 Models that Help You Elevate Your Job, Your Life & Your Options
> Your Life and Your Options: 3 Ways to Better Understand What You Really Want
> What’s Your Story, Morning Glory? Own Your Story & Build Your Business
> Storytelling for Leadership: Inspire & Energize for Creative Collaboration
> Meditation for Creativity
> Oh, Well(ness)! What to Do When You’re Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

American Veterinary Medical Association Conference
> 4 Models That Help You Evaluate Your Job, Your Life & Your Options
> Storytelling for Stronger Leadership: Inspire and Energize Team Collaboration

2023 Red Pencil Conference
Your Life & Your Options; 3 Ways to Better Understand What You Really Want

Florida Creativity Conference 2023
In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll explore five tools for better brainstorming and learn how to use them for your next brainstorming session. (Spoiler alert: It’s more important than teams realize to focus on powerful questions.)

Meditation for Creation and Focus
Neuroscience shows that mindfulness can stabilize our attention and help us focus more deeply. In this 60-minute mindfulness and meditation session, we will practice a meditation to prepare for creation, engage in gentle breathing exercises, and use journaling and creativity prompts to engage the senses and refresh the mind.
This practice is accessible for new or experienced mindfulness practitioners and is designed to help you develop your attention and working memory.

Yoga to Light the Creative Spirit
Long periods of sitting can be harmful to the body, but a moderate amount of daily exercise can counter the dangers of sitting for long periods of time.
This 60-minute practice for writers is designed for beginners and experienced yoga practitioners and offers gentle stretching to target the neck, shoulders, and lower back, energizing the mind and body to prepare for a day of learning and creativity. We’ll leverage breath work, stimulate the mind and the body and end with a guided meditation to spark your creative flow.
Yoga is an activity accessible to all bodies with appropriate modifications (including people with limited mobility or confined to a chair, pregnant people, and those recovering from injury). No need for fancy yoga clothes. Your conference wear is fine!

CPSI 2022 Connect
The Creative Education Foundation — the creators of “brainstorming” and original experts in creative problem solving — presents the annual Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) Conference. We explore themes including innovation, entrepreneurship, change leadership, applied imagination, deliberate creativity, design thinking and more.

ASBPE National Conference 2022
Each year, ASBPE’s National Conference & Azbee Awards Banquet offers members an opportunity to get insight into best practices of B2B journalism, network with colleagues from across the country, and honor the winners of the Azbee Awards competition. Don’t miss this unique annual event for learning, camaraderie and fun!